Below are some of the most commonly asked questions related to our products. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to us at (contact [at] kubolabs.io)


I need a Kubernetes cluster, why should I use KuboSetup instead of a Kubernetes-as-a-service offer (GKE, AKS, EKS)?
What are the options available on KuboSetup?
Do you support all cloud providers?
Do you support on-premise environments?
Can I request for the support of my favourite environment/feature XYZ?
Can you help us migrate a cluster from a cloud provider to another?
Does KuboSetup handle the deployment of your application?
Does KuboSetup come with cluster add-ons (Prometheus, Vault, EFK, Istio, Cert Manager...)?
Do you plan to monitor Kubernetes clusters?

Audit your Kubernetes Cluster for free

Just want to check for potential misconfigurations and bad practices on your clusters? Well that's a good start.

Get a Free KuboScore
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